Front of house turfed (we have since put our number on the letter box bricks too)

Otherside of the yard

Front yard (the slope)

The side (still missing turf, meant to come next week)

Back yard turf

Turf behind the tank & down the side

Turf behind patio

Adam and I started production on building the gates out the front yesterday however we only got about 1/2 way through as the drill we were using wasn't strong enough to go through the metal to screw the pailings on the gates. Here are some pics of how far we got on this side. We also did the same on the other side of the house (just don't have pics).
Adam making sure the gate will be level

2nd gate & side pannel on

Adam attempting to screw on the pailings (he stopped at this one)

We also have our security screens in and the ensuite tiles are finished so here are 2 more pics taken later last week.
Wow Jess! It looks fantastic! I'm so jealous! I want a new house!
OMG Jess and Adam it is absolutely looking awesome! I'm so jealous!! I am loving all your choices and am so excited that you will be in your new house soon all ready for baby to come! Can;t wait to come see it in real! Friday afternoon or Sunday sometime?
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